Hollow Tears by Michael Seale

 My tears wash me clean,

I know it had to be,

The pain you left,

When the lights went out,

An ending doesn’t end,

A flower doesn’t dream,

Ever understanding,

but never understood,

Always afraid to fall,

Never knowing we might fly,

Tomorrow forgotten,

The future past,

Hollow tears, wasted words,

To busy dying,

To know we’re alive,

An ending doesn’t end,

A flower doesn’t dream,

Ever understanding,

but never understood,

Always afraid to fall,

Never knowing we might fly,

We’re off the deep,

Falling up to the sky,

Our promises forgotten,

Livin’ on stolen time,

Always afraid to fall,

Never knowing we might fly,

Promises forgotten,

Livin’ on stolen time,

Hollow tears washed clean,

Dawns anew,

We broke when you left,

Promises forgotten, afraid to fly,

An ending doesn’t end,

A flower doesn’t dream,

Ever understanding,

but never understood,

Always afraid to fall,

Never knowing we might fly.


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